
Diary of a Grieving Mother

I am finally ready to talk about what happened to my son.

Judson’s tragic death has broken me on so many levels--emotionally, mentally, and physically, but it also awakened the fierce mother tiger within me and set me on a new path to shine a light on what is going on out there in the world. I know I risk judgment by sharing Judson’s story, but if it can help just one person, his death will not be in vain.

Addicts to Activists: Releasing the Stigma of Addiction is Key to Recovery

Addiction creates a great deal of suffering and it affects each of us in one form or another. Experts in the field of addiction are learning that the stigma of addiction keeps many people from seeking the help they need. Traditional recovery programs are expensive and largely ineffective. In this blog, I'll share what I have learned about addiction based on the latest science and information shared by those who have successfully recovered and taken back their lives.